The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible and is a record of God's dealings with His chosen people in the New World. The main purpose of the Book of Mormon is "to the convincing of Jew and Gentile that JESUS is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD, manifesting himself unto all nations." (Book of Mormon Title Page) It was written by ancient American prophets for our day (Mormon 8:35) and is an American testament of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Gilligan's Island - Jaredite Style!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
New Book on the Book of Mormon
Monday, August 25, 2008
"First to Cross the Ocean"
Another show along the same theme is scheduled to air on Thursday, August 28th. It is called "Naked Science: First to Cross the Ocean". My pet peeve about "establishment science" is that it is, perhaps unintentionally, condescending to ancient humans. It says that they were smart enough to do, think, and create many surprisingly sophisticated things, but not to lash together some logs and float across the ocean on currents. In "Prehistoric Americans", at least three probable routes were proposed for migration between oceans: Bering Strait, kelp "highways" extending along the coasts of the Pacific Rim, and a fishing route following the ice-to-sea interface of an ancient glacier in the North Atlantic.
Mormon scholars are often accused of a priori thinking based on inherent prejudices when forming conclusions about ancient history. It's true. We admit that. It's an inevitable part of human nature. But so-called "mainstream scientists" are no different in that they often fall prey to their own cultural biases.
According to establishment science, ancient humans were either stupid or blind. They were simply too primitive to have an original, inventive thought about anything. They had never seen a log float down a river and thought, "Gee, I wonder if I could sit on that and get from point A to point B a lot faster than walking." or "If I tie my cloak to a stick and spread it out, maybe I can use the wind to go even faster." According to the mainstream textbooks, the wheel didn't exist in America until the Spaniards brought it with them. Apparently, no ancient human living on the American continent had ever seen a rock roll down a hill and thought, "Hmm, if I carved that a bit and put a stick through it, like I do with arrowheads and obsidian clubs, I could wheel this pile of dirt on a platform easier than I can carry it in a basket."
If "First to Cross the Ocean" is as good as "Prehistoric Americans" at summarizing the latest research, I guarantee it will knock your socks off.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Mormon Conspiracy Unvail'd!!
Michael Medved, who is Jewish, has been an outspoken defender of people of the LDS faith whenever callers to his show have tried to attack us. This video adaptation of a typical Michael Medved Show "Conspiracy Day" call from a few weeks ago is a classic that needs to be passed around as much as possible.
Why I (Rob) am a Book of Mormon Apologist
I had the privilege of serving an LDS mission in Guatemala. About 8 months into my mission, I purchased a children's copy of the Popol Vuh (if only to match my limited Spanish reading comprehension at the time). One of my district leaders, a fellow from Chiquimula, Guatemala, saw the book and asked me why I had purchased it instead of the full version. When I told him why, he asked me if I understood what it contained. I told him that it looked like any other Native American legend book to me and that I had read many like it in my rural Southwestern U.S. hometown.
He then proceded to school me in what the Popol Vuh means, or should mean, to Latter-day Saints who want to know more about Book of Mormon history. He said that contrary to what his Catholic and secular school teachers had taught when he read it in school, it wasn't just a book of random legends, writings, and mythologies. When read in the context of the Restoration of the Gospel, it was quite literally a fragment of the Gospel knowledge that remained of a post Nephite and declining Lamanite society. Its seemingly esoteric (rather, exoteric) ramblings actually corresponded to real and basic Gospel principles, but in a corrupted and apostate form.
With that in mind, I re-read the Popol Vuh book, with notes my district leader wrote in it to help with the translation into English and possible Gospel concepts, and was astonished at what I had missed. I have plans to make that the subject of another post (or two, or five) because it really is that interesting. But for now, let's just say that this was the catalyst that compelled me to study the Book of Mormon in more depth than ever before.
Toward the end of my mission, an Elder with whom I had come into the mission showed me a book called "The Title of the Lords of Totonicapan" that a local member had given him. I opened it, and with my considerably improved Spanish reading comprehension, was excited to find that it was another local Maya tribe's version of many of the same events and symbols found in the Popol Vuh. The "Title"'s author, during the Spanish conquest of the 1550s, made direct (but today often disputed) claims to a direct descendancy of his people from Israel.
The common linkages I began to see between these two books and Biblical and Book of Mormon concepts and doctrines began to galvanize my desire to fully study the additional physical evidences that must surely exist.
Since then, even though I make no claims to be any kind of professional or experienced anthropologist/archaeologist/ethnographist/etc., I have kept an eye out for anything and everything that might point to evidence of the Book of Mormon's claims. I marvel at the knowledge that has come to light and that experienced scholars such as Daniel Peterson and John Tvedtnes are able to build a solid foundation upon which these evidences can rest.
I want to categorically and undeniably state, at the same time, that I have a firm knowledge, completely independent and antecedent to the above experiences, that the Book of Mormon is true and exactly what it claims to be. Even if the Conquistadores had burned and destroyed every last vestige of Mesoamerican literature and monuments, the hard and simple truths of the book stand on their own, brilliantly testify of the Bible's authenticity, and teach and prophesy correctly of Christ. It is, as Joseph Smith taught, "the most correct of any book on earth". I testify that I have grown closer to God because of it.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Shaken Faith Syndrome
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Article(s) of the Week: Matt Roper on Pre-Columbian Populations and the Book of Mormon
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Kerry Shirts on the Book of Mormon Witnesses
Video 1
Video 2
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Second Book of Nephi (2 Nephi 1)

Lehi was the patriarch or oldest living male of the group. The word "patriarch" is of Greek derivation and means father-ruler; the Hebrew word it translates is simply father. Lehi held the priesthood "after the holy order of the Son of God", or, for short, the Melchizedek priesthood. It was the same priesthood authority held by Adam, Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and Moses. As such, it held the keys (or permission) to give father's blessings such as what Issac gave to Jacob and Esau and what Jacob (Israel) gave to his twelve sons.
In 2 Nephi chapters 1 through 4, Lehi gives a father's blessing to the following (in order of mention by chapter):
- Laman - chapter 1
- Lemuel - chapter 1
- Sam - chapter 1
- Sons of Ishmael - chapter 1
- Zoram - chapter 1
- Jacob - chapter 2
- Joseph - chapter 3
- Children of Laman - chapter 4
- Children of Lemuel - chapter 4
- Children of Sons of Ishmael - chapter 4
- Children of Sam - chapter 4
- The order of blessings follows that of Hebrew tradition--that is from oldest to youngest--with the exception of the Children of the Sons of Ishmael and the Children of Sam switching places in the age hierarchy. That Joseph Smith, if he had made it all up out of his head, didn't simply go the easier route and just list these descendants in the same order as their fathers is striking. One wonders if perhaps Ishmael's sons' descendants were somehow, on average, older than the children of Sam.
- Zoram and the sons of Ishmael were not Lehi's blood descendants. They receive the father's blessing from Lehi because Ishmael had passed away at Nahom, back on the Arabian peninsula, and Zoram had joined the group as part of an oath to Nephi without his own father accompanying him.
- Lehi doesn't specifically address Nephi. He really only makes reference to Nephi when comparing to and contrasting with Nephi's blessings the blessings that others will receive. There isn't much in the text to suggest why this is the case. One might suppose that Nephi was simply too modest to include his own blessing in these chapters, or that he felt it was sufficiently covered in his own written prophecies.
In chapter 1, Lehi also rejoices in his own blessings:
- "the mercies of God in sparing their lives, that they were not swallowed up in the sea"
- "how amerciful the Lord had been in bwarning us that we should flee out of the land of Jerusalem"
- "had we remained in Jerusalem we should also have eperished"
- "we have obtained a aland of promise, a land which is bchoice above all other lands; a land which the Lord God hath ccovenanted with me should be a land for the inheritance of my seed"
- "they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given"
- "if iniquity shall abound ccursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever"
- "this land should be akept as yet from the knowledge of other bnations; for behold, many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance"
- "binasmuch as those whom the Lord God shall bring out of the land of Jerusalem shall keep his commandments, they shall cprosper upon the face of this land; and they shall be kept from all other nations, that they may possess this land unto themselves"
- "when the time cometh that they shall dwindle in aunbelief...if the day shall come that they will reject the Holy One of Israel, the true bMessiah, their Redeemer and their God, behold, the judgments of him that is cjust shall rest upon them"
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Grace of Apologetics or Why I am an Apologist
Daniel C. Peterson Book of Mormon Evidence Lectures
Finally on Youtube
In this one you can see me around 4:35-7:35
People I met at the FAIR Conference
Notes on Wright, Poulsen and Gardner
Fun and Fanfare at the FAIR Conference!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
An Interview with Margaret Barker
Article(s) of the Week: Daniel C. Peterson on Secular Anti-Mormonism
2008 FAIR Conference
Thursday Schedule | ||||
Time | Speaker/Event | Presentation | ||
8:00 am | Registration | |||
9:00 am | Opening | |||
9:10 am | Mike Ash | Shaken Faith Syndrome | ||
10:10 am | Mark Wright | The Book of Mormon and Mesoamerica | ||
11:10 am | Margaret Young and Darius Gray | Nobody Knows, the Untold Story of Black Mormons | ||
12:10 pm | Lunch | |||
1:15 pm | Brian Birch, Blake Ostler, and James Faulconer | Philosophy and Mormonism | ||
2:30 pm | Jeffrey Bradshaw | The Message of the Joseph Smith Translation: A Walk in the Garden | ||
3:30 pm | Snack Break | |||
3:45 pm | Larry Poulsen | Book of Mormon Geography | ||
4:45 pm | Ugo Perego | Joseph Smith's DNA Revealed: New Clues from the Prophet's Genes | ||
5:45 pm | Closing |
Friday Schedule | ||||
Time | Speaker/Event | Presentation | ||
8:00 am | Registration | |||
9:00 am | Opening | |||
9:05 am | Ron Esplin | The Joseph Smith Papers | ||
10:05 am | Matthew Brown | The Israelite Temple and the Early Christians | ||
11:05 am | Newell Bringhurst and Craig Foster | The White Horse Prophecy: Myth vs. Reality | ||
12:05 am | Lunch | |||
1:00 pm | FAIR Business | |||
1:30 pm | Scott Gordon | Online Apologetics | ||
2:30 pm | Brian Hauglid | The Book of Abraham | ||
3:30 pm | Snack Break | |||
3:45 pm | Brant Gardner | Second Witness: The Book of Mormon | ||
4:45 pm | Daniel Peterson | Humble Apologetics | ||
5:45 pm | Closing |
Extra! Extra! Read All About it!
This new volume in the Collected Works of Hugh Nibley is a compilation of some of the late Dr. Nibley's letters, journals, interviews and reviews on, as the title says, himself, others and the Temple. Also included, (at last!), is a transcript of the documentary Faith of an Observer and some of Nibley's materials that are otherwise difficult to find. For example, also included are personal letters Nibley sent to friends, or foes, and an unpublished autobiography.

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the role of DNA testing and the Book of Mormon. Some critics claim that the absence of discernible Near Eastern DNA in Native American populations disproves the Book of Mormon's claims of authenticity and historicity. These claims and criticisms, however, have been countered by Latter-day Saint scholars and apologists almost as soon as the criticisms hit print.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Experience with the Book of Mormon in Kenya
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Nephi explains Isaiah to his family (1 Nephi 22)
Their main question, in 1 Nephi 22:1, was whether what Isaiah was describing was "spiritual, which shall come to pass according to the spirit and not the flesh". In other words, in today's terms, their question was somewhat loaded. They wanted to know whether it was meant to be figurative or real.
Nephi gently corrects them by saying that because the words of Isaiah were received through the Spirit, that in that sense they were spiritual. They were also temporal (literal) in that they would someday come to pass.
He describes what today we call "the diaspora", or the great scattering of the twelve tribes of Israel such that ten of those tribes were completely lost in the great populations of the earth.
Nephi goes on to explain that it is through the Gentiles that Israel will be gathered back to their ancestral homeland.
Verses 7-9 describe how the Gentiles would found a great nation which would be instrumental in scattering Laman and Lemuel's posterity. Then, the Lord would restore the Gospel through the Gentiles and gather together the remnant of the people left over. In the LDS Church, we understand the fulfillment of this prophecy to be the founding of the United States of America and the various Latin American countries by European nations (what the Jews would consider "Gentiles").
The Lord would use these events as a catalyst for gathering from all parts of the world every living descendant (and deceased, through restored temple ordinances) of the house of Israel, most particularly those of the lost ten tribes.
At the end of the gathering, the Lord will destroy any worldly organizations that rise up to fight against His Gospel and who try to persecute His servants. He will miraculously preserve the righteous during that terrible time. "Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet [Isaiah], they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire."
People who read the Bible today often ask the question "In what way will Satan be bound when Christ comes?" While it is tempting to think of Satan, the individual, tied up with ropes so he can't bother us anymore, he is a spirit with free will and cannot be contained in that way, even by God, who will never force anyone to do anything against their will.
Rather, the Book of Mormon clearly teaches that because of the faith in Christ of those righteous people remaining after the destruction, they will be righteous (Christ's atonement covering their sins) "And because of the righteousness of his people, Satan has no power; wherefore, he cannot be loosed for the space of many years; for he hath no power over the hearts of the people, for they dwell in righteousness, and the Holy One of Israel reigneth."
Quite literally, they will not be tempted by Satan because they will not have a desire to sin because of their faith in Christ. They will know where such things lead, based on the experience of witnessing the destruction of the world, and will instead reject temptations when they come and choose to obey only righteous principles.
The overall message Nephi has for his brothers is to repent so that they can be counted among the righteous when the Lord comes the second time at the end of the world.
30 Wherefore, my brethren, I would that ye should consider that the things which have been written upon the plates of brass are true; and they testify that a man must be obedient to the commandments of God.